We implemented the Tender for nowadays online buying and it could help to keep the price low instead of going "sky rocket", Bid Tender could help to up sell individual seller to meet their desired price. Sound like looking left & right at the same time? Then check it out how it's work…
O'fferto E-commerce – Bid Tender
We implemented the Tender for nowadays online buying and it could help to keep the price low instead of going "sky rocket", Bid Tender could help to up sell individual seller to meet their desired price. Sound like looking left & right at the same time? Then check it out how it's work…
O'fferto E-commerce – Bid Tender
Nowadays, if someone intends to starts up their own business, they need to study & learn what their competitors doing; that’s the first rule of the competition. They need to think different but the most important is they must put their ‘first step’ out of their comfort zone; or no matter how good the ideas they have will be wasted. No pain no gain; these words are very useful for young peoples, because there are many obstacles out there waiting for them to overcome.
In order to think different, they need to have wider looking area in their environment. O’fferto is organizing by a group of students or young peoples from various courses, universities and working environment, this could give them the advantages to gain more new & unique ideas while they come together to make things happen; because they are from few various industries and they come together as one in this team.
Bid Tender is an E-commerce concept implemented by a group of students; it’s new and unique for nowadays online trading. The Tender could also build up networking between peoples; peoples buy things from us or peoples buy things from other peoples through us.
Usually peoples keep their old things and store in the cupboard or left in a corner, because they don’t know what to do with those things. Those things could continue keeping in a corner of somewhere or Bid Tender could help them to sell it; Bid Tender help them to sell and only get back some commission from the item sold. They would also help them to see whether the item is value to resell or not, it’s not only for used items to sell but also new items.
There will be a pre-set price in the Bid Tender, it could help to up sell their item to their desire selling price but the buyer would still buy the item with low price at the same time; because we will stop the tender while it reached the pre-set price. (Of course the pre-set price has to be reasonable)
Check out how they started up things from the begining in this press release; https://malebits.com/node/851
Check out the Bid Tender today either you’re interested to buy, sell or just for exploration; www.bidtender.weebly.com
Also check out how the students use business strategies to do charity, the contact could be founded in this website as well; www.businesstocharity.webstarts.com
Note: If you're type in our name O'fferto in google search, you're will find it at top 1 – 27 in the searching list.