When your cat keeps scratching your furniture and keeps destroying things, it is time that you give it an alternative to scratch. Felines find enjoyment in both climbing and scratching. The best solution to this problem is to provide her with cat scratching posts. In the beginning you would have to teach it how to use it. As long as your pet doesn’t use the post as her permanent scratching junction, don’t allow it to have a free run of your home when you are not there.
When your cat keeps scratching your furniture and keeps destroying things, it is time that you give it an alternative to scratch. Felines find enjoyment in both climbing and scratching. The best solution to this problem is to provide her with cat scratching posts. In the beginning you would have to teach it how to use it. As long as your pet doesn’t use the post as her permanent scratching junction, don’t allow it to have a free run of your home when you are not there. If it has a unique scratching area in your home, you must either cover it or keep your kitty from going there. Since, it is not possible to keep your pet restricted long enough, it is a must that you buy cat trees.
You may think of building cat scratching posts on your own, but it is only a temporary solution that you cannot build a more durable option than what is available in the market. A post of size 4 by 4 feet standing vertically would be an ideal choice to purchase. Some people like to purchase carpet covered posts, but it is not a long-time solution as it can shred off faster. Scratching posts made from inverted carpets can be a good option as the backside of carpets is quite sturdy.
One of the best ways to train your cat to use cat trees is to encourage and praise it when it uses the new post. Just placing the scratching post in front of it is not the solution, you would have to train it to use that item. This can also be done by placing her favorite treat on the scratching post’s platform. The post can even be rubbed with catnip to attract your pet. Most of the cats start scratching right after waking up in order to stretch their claws. So, it would be best to place your kitty on the post’s platform right when it wakes up.
As your cat would gradually start learning how to use the cat scratching posts, it would also start climbing up and stretching its body on its vertical post. There is no way that you can force your cat to scratch the post, as chances are that it would dislike it. Encouraging and praising is the best method to train it to use the post.
Use these tips to train your cat to learn how to scratch its new cat trees http://www.kitforcats.com . If you want more help on how to train your little kitty in starting to use the cat scratching posts http://www.kitforcats.com , make sure to visit this link.