I bought a little hand-held pressurized steamer unit (not the mop sort), which is fairly low-cost when in comparison together with the ongoing cost of pesticides. The steamer unit has a nozzle that permits the steam to be released as a pressurized stream at 212 degrees F. I deal with my carpets, upholstery and dog bedding each month and voila – zero fleas! Furthermore, it kills dust mites, and is also great for sanitizing. It's simple. It is nontoxic. It really is environmentally pleasant. It functions!
I bought a little hand-held pressurized steamer unit (not the mop sort), which is fairly low-cost when in comparison together with the ongoing cost of pesticides. The steamer unit has a nozzle that permits the steam to be released as a pressurized stream at 212 degrees F. I deal with my carpets, upholstery and dog bedding each month and voila – zero fleas! Furthermore, it kills dust mites, and is also great for sanitizing. It's simple. It is nontoxic. It really is environmentally pleasant. It functions! I very first used it weekly, but found that more than time I could use it less and much less and nevertheless be flea-free. Read more about http://www.carpetfleas.com/home-remedies-for-fleas/ According to laboratory tests, Fipronil (Frontline Top Spot and Frontline Plus) is a neurotoxin and suspected human cancer agent. Fipronil can cause liver toxicity, thyroid cancer, kidney damage, raised cholesterol, lack of coordination, labored breathing, miscarriages and stunted offspring.Laboratory testing of Imidacloprid (Benefit) on mice, dogs and rats shows this insecticide to be neurotoxic to laboratory animals, also causing a breakdown of coordination, labored breathing, lesions of the thyroid, reduced birth weight, and increased birth defects.The synthetic broad spectrum pyrethroid insecticide Permethrin (Adams Spot-on Flea & Tick Control; BioSpot Flea & Tick Control; and Defend EXspot Remedy) shows indications of currently being an endocrine disrupter and the cause of lung cancer and liver tumors in laboratory animals. Know More About http://www.carpetfleas.com/how-to-remove-fleas-on-humans/ The fact is, the laws of nature dictate that what nature produces, nature controls, producing organic strategies of pest control far more effective and lasting than mankind's "quick fix" poisons. It is essential to realize, however, that there isn't any "silver bullet" regardless of whether natural or chemical that will get rid of your problems, and if it claims to, BEWARE. Nothing at all you can drop on, spray on, strap on, or wash in your pet will magically preserve the fleas off of him without lengthy phrase repercussions. The war on fleas can only be won safely by fighting on three battlegrounds: inside your pet, on your pet, and in your pet's environment. Click Here More About http://answers.google.com/answers/threadview?id=36548