June 20, 2011 – Lactose Intolerance is an ailment of body which does not allow the body to digest lactose present in milk and other dairy products. Usually, this sort of disorder occurs when small intestine of body is not able to generate enough proportion of lactase, an enzyme, which is essential to digest lactose. Symptoms pertaining to this ailment can occur either after half an hour of consuming milk or any dairy product or may be after several hours.
June 20, 2011 – Lactose Intolerance is an ailment of body which does not allow the body to digest lactose present in milk and other dairy products. Usually, this sort of disorder occurs when small intestine of body is not able to generate enough proportion of lactase, an enzyme, which is essential to digest lactose. Symptoms pertaining to this ailment can occur either after half an hour of consuming milk or any dairy product or may be after several hours.
This type of ailment is common in both adults and children. Abdominal pain, bloating, nausea, gas, diarrhea and vomiting are some of the common symptoms of lactose intolerance.
Lactose Intolerance Symptoms in Children and Its related Causes!
Inspecting this syndrome in babies is not an easy task to do but if it is being noticed that baby has severe diarrhea and is not able to digest even breast milk properly then this is undoubtedly case of lactose intolerance. Diarrhea can be both acute and temporary. Besides this, nausea, abdominal bloating and gas are other common lactose intolerance symptoms in children.
The crucial cause for occurrence of this ailment is deficiency of lactase in babies. Such deficiency can occur in two forms – secondary and primary. Primary deficiency occurs when body stops generating lactose as child starts consuming other types of foodstuffs other than milk. Secondary deficiency on other hand is resulted due to damages in small intestine of a child. In some situations, there is a possibility that babies may be born with this type of ailment. In such situation it becomes highly difficult for them to even consume breast milk.
Lactose Intolerance – Symptoms and Causes in Adults!
Nausea, cramps, flatulence, abdominal bloating, diarrhea are indicators of lactose intolerance. The symptoms of this disease is different from that of milk allergy as during latter ailment the allergic symptoms are seen in person as soon as milk is consumed by him. So whether you are suffering from lactose intolerance or from milk allergy, it is vital to get it detected properly. There may be however some problem in detecting it, as symptoms of lactose intolerance are somewhat similar to few other illness.
Getting it Treated!
The only treatment which works best for patients with this problem is a lactose free diet. There are special products available for people suffering from this illness. Besides consuming these specially designed beverages, individuals should also keep in mind to avoid all other items which constitutes milk, such as biscuits, salad, creams, sauces, pancakes, bread, cakes etc. Milk is good source for calcium and individuals who suffer from lactose intolerance are required to consume calcium supplements. They can even intake other foods rich in calcium such as tuna, broccoli, soymilk, sardines, cereals and more.
Lactose intolerance may seem to be a normal ailment, but in actuality this is a major disease which once devised, cannot be exterminated for lifetime.
Frank Mix Founder of http://www.lactoseintolerancesymptomsblog.com/ Complete information on Lactose Intolerance, Lactose Intolerance symptoms, causes, overdose and treatment.