If you've been frustrated by the rising cost of dental and medical care in the United States, consider your options. After all, the United States isn't the only place where you can get quality dental implants or engage in cost-effective and quality dental care services. As a matter of fact, one of the most popular destinations for Americans tired of paying through-the-roof dental care costs is Costa Rica.
If you've been frustrated by the rising cost of dental and medical care in the United States, consider your options. After all, the United States isn't the only place where you can get quality dental implants or engage in cost-effective and quality dental care services. As a matter of fact, one of the most popular destinations for Americans tired of paying through-the-roof dental care costs is Costa Rica.
Why Costa Rica? Consider that it's one of the most beautiful Latin American countries, bordered on the west by the Pacific Ocean and on the east by the Gulf of Mexico. Consider the fact that Costa Rica is chock-full of wildlife sanctuaries, and offers both inland and water activities and entertainments including but not limited to hiking, horseback riding, sunbathing, and deep sea fishing.
Costa Rica is also known as a safe, serene, and tranquil country known for its friendly people, resorts, accommodations and food. What's not to like about Costa Rica?
Cost Efficiency
No doubt about it, dental care costs are rising. Even figuring in the cost of a cheap flight, inexpensive hotel accommodations and less costly implants, traveling to Costa Rica for your dental care may still be cheaper than undergoing dental implant procedures in your native state. Don't make this mistake of equating cheaper with less effective or substandard, because nothing could be further from the truth.
In the United States, one dental implant can cost between $3,000 and $5,000. In Costa Rica, dental travelers can save hundreds, if not thousands of dollars by visiting one of the most beautiful travel destinations in the world. In Costa Rica, the cost of a single implant averages just under $900. That saves you between 50% and 60% on costs. Costa Rica is known for their cosmetic dental treatments including cosmetic dentistry, dental bridges, and dental implants.
American Dental Board Certified Dentists
Even better, a very large number of dentists providing services in Costa Rica are certified by the American Dental Association. For example, Da Vinci's Dental Designers Group/Wellness Dental located in San Jose is a member of the American Dental Association, and their professional providers offer high standards in quality care and the latest in restorative techniques.
Chávez Dental Care located on Jaco Beach is also a member of the American Dental Association and offers dental travelers as much as a 75% savings on dental procedures over those charged in the US.
Dentists at High-Tech Dental Clinic in downtown San Jose offer years of experience and training in dental implantology. Belonging to the American Academy of Osseo integration, Dr. Alberto Coto is also a member of the International Congress of Oral Implantology and is IPS (Implant Prosthetic Section of the ICOI)-certified by the University of Miami.
As you can see, you can find certified, highly trained dentists throughout Costa Rica, just like thousands of other Americans traveling south of the border for affordable and accessible dental care. Best of all, combining your dental needs with a vacation in one of the most beautiful spots in the world offers dual benefits.
Saving Money on Dental Care in Costa Rica
Dental facilities in Costa Rica offer dentistry travel packages for local transportation and lodging in bed and breakfasts and hotels, consultations, anesthetics, and follow-up services, depending on your needs. Considering that up to six dental implants, airfare, accommodations and your dental procedures may cost less than three dental implants alone in the United States, it's not hard to see why so many people are opting to travel to Costa Rica for their dental care.
For more information regarding dental implants in Costa Rica, access PlacidWay, international dental and medical provider for individuals wanting more options, greater access, and cheaper (not substandard!) dental care.
A, Davincis Dental Designers Groupare a member of ADA (American Dental Association), America's leading advocate for oral health. Check out Wellness Dental Group, Costa Rica, for your cosmetic dental needs and enjoy the benefits of getting your teeth capped, whitened or fixed while enjoying one of the most beautiful destinations in the world.
PlacidWay.com is a health and wellness tourism company, combining affordable healthcare with exotic travel options. PlacidWay.com is designed for those who place a premium on their quality of life. Whether you have a physiological need requiring medical attention, a social motivation to change the way you look, or an inherent desire to seek self actualization through organic, holistic, and healthy healthcare options, PlacidWay.com provides enormous options. At PlacidWay.com, you are presented with the very best providers of health and wellness, from around the world. The choice is entirely yours! You are given a complete freedom to choose your own treatment at a medical center, and in a country of your choice.If you need to visit this hospital then feel free here: 1.303.578.0719, [email protected] or http://www.placidway.com/profile/805/Davincis-Dental-Designers-Group-|-Wellness-Dental