It is believed that tattoos have been around from 5th century BC but they have come to Europe only in 1771 when Captain Cook came back from a voyage to New Zealand and Tahiti. Afterwards the art got wide spread and it is being used the world over by men and women to decorate themselves at present. Though beautiful designs have been made available for lovers of this art during the recent times most shops at present are not able to provide tattoo designs that brings about customer satisfaction.

It is believed that tattoos have been around from 5th century BC but they have come to Europe only in 1771 when Captain Cook came back from a voyage to New Zealand and Tahiti. Afterwards the art got wide spread and it is being used the world over by men and women to decorate themselves at present. Though beautiful designs have been made available for lovers of this art during the recent times most shops at present are not able to provide tattoo designs that brings about customer satisfaction. Even if a customer finds that the one inked on him doesn’t look like the one he imagined there is hardly anything to do with the prohibitive cost of their removal.


However there are tattoo designs fit for both men and women these days. Though there are lots of men who prefer to have tattoos printed on them only a few women are bold enough to opt for them. Some new designs have become available that could fulfill the taste of any man or a woman. Among the designs popular with women are the texts. A short text inked using a selected font is preferred by most of the women who love to have them printed on their bodies. Shops that offer to print them have pre-designed phrases. Also, the customers are able to provide their own phrases.


Presently the tattoo has gone online and there are many online stores that offer beautiful tattoo designs. Divided into a number of categories they are available for lovers of the art who are prepared to undergo the pain of inking them for several hours. When it comes to designs there are many old designs as well as modern ones that have originated from countries such as Japan and Russia where the art of tattooing has been around for a long time.  When you go online you will be able to find thousands of different tattoos that are being preferred by both men and women.


In case you need to have a tattoo you only need to go to an online tattoo shop and look for your preferred tattoo designs before picking up one. Once you pick up the design you like, you have the option to purchase it and print. After buying the printed design it is a case of taking it to any tattoo shop in order to get it tattooed. With the availability of new tools tattooing has become less painful. All these things have made more people to get interested in tattoos.


Tattooing is used in many cultures and in some of them women get tattoos inked on their faces with beautiful designs. There are others where women tattoo the entire body. Whatever the way it is being used popularity of tattooing is on the increase these days. It is common to see men and women with tattoos where ever you go. In case you are interested in having one it is just a case of picking up your design on line and taking it to the tattoo shop.


With the arrival of new tattoo designs tattooing has become popular. There are beautiful tattoos that are suitable for both men and women.