Another great thing about www itbagstyle comis that it wholesaling leather handbags at factory prices, including free logo services free pictures. We can also help you to do metal logo and cardboards.  

Another great thing about www itbagstyle comis that it wholesaling leather handbags at factory prices, including free logo services free pictures. We can also help you to do metal logo and cardboards. devote on doing exquisite handmade leather handbags in timeless and elegant styles. This wholesaling leather handbags factory is really good for you. You can only buy from them and sell to your customers directly with many value added services. It’s simply impossible not to find something that fits your style and your budget. The wholesale price from is around 30-50 dollars per piece. So you can resell it in a very good price. So anyone can afford to buy one of the stunning design and cheap leather handbags wholesale from



The leather handbags wholesale from are available in a wide range of colors including black beige brown red and white even many scarce colors. Besides that there are many different materials with top cowhide, sheepskin, snake skin and cro – embossed, Ecological skin.


Don’t forget to take a look at the leather handbags wholesale from for the new styles.


It Bag Style Co., Ltd
Toll Free (US): 8004094180
E-mail: [email protected]
Adress: Baiyun Guangzhou China