Take your body back today with the professional services of a liposuction treatment center. Instead of roller coaster dieting, insane exercise regimes and starving yourself of the foods you want to eat, discover how liposuction can remove up to 90% of the unwanted fat in any part of your body. It is fast, easy, safe and developed by superior professionals, so you know that it is a safe procedure to regain the body you want.

Take your body back today with the professional services of a liposuction treatment center. Instead of roller coaster dieting, insane exercise regimes and starving yourself of the foods you want to eat, discover how liposuction can remove up to 90% of the unwanted fat in any part of your body. It is fast, easy, safe and developed by superior professionals, so you know that it is a safe procedure to regain the body you want.

Everyone knows it is important for you to diet and exercise in order to maintain healthy life, but sometimes your genetics and your age and influence the shape of your body. Liposuction can help you, in order to get the body you want and need very quickly and easily. Regardless of your body type, you can improve your self-esteem and develop a healthier life with lipo.

Regardless of where you have unwanted fat, you can have it removed with only a local anesthetic. This new type of liposuction has been developed exclusively for our practice, and is safe, comfortable and requires only a local anesthetic. We follow only the highest standards of convenience and comfort in our clinics, specializing in liposuction.

We follow all of the requirements of the legislation as well as Brazilian ANVISA and CFM, to ensure the utmost in safety and most innovative concepts for Lipoaspiracao. We are able to remove as much fat in our local anesthetic liposuction as other clinics are with epidural or general anesthesia. Therefore, we have the exclusive benefits of traditional liposuction, without running the health risks associated with traditional anesthetics.

Other techniques also require local anesthesia as well as several different sessions of surgery in order to achieve the results you want. We take your fat out in one session, under local anesthesia, just like a traditional liposuction. The only difference, is that it is a one-day, one-time procedure.

In our operating rooms, you will have a large, warm and comfortable bed in which to lay, while the procedure is performed under local anesthesia. You can relax while listening to music or watching a television program so that the procedure goes quickly and comfortably for you. Also, if you would like, we also have a professionally trained anesthesiologist who can perform a very light sedation for you to ease your anxieties, if you have any.

Our liposuction procedures do not have any stitches or drains, and only take about 60 minutes to perform. You will start seeing results quickly, as most of the fat has been removed from your body which will in turn help to retract your skin to give your body the most harmonious look possible. The fat that is removed by liposuction will not return, because there are less fat cells in a specific area.

We are easy to find, as we are located in Rio de Janeiro Brazil in the Copacabana and Barra da Tijuca. Our address is Rua Siqueira Campos, 43, Gr 791, and you can reach us by phone at (21) 2256-1152, (11) 4063-3593, or (31) 4063-8598. You can also check out our services, testimonials and more on the Internet at www.sualipo.com/br. Find out for yourself how you can keep your body back today, and look and feel the way that you want.