Michael Goldstein, a new Signworld owner from the May 2011 training class, is just about ready to open in Brookfield, CT and has been working hard in his “pre-opening” marketing efforts to have a full pipeline of projects when the doors open.

Michael Goldstein, a new Signworld owner from the May 2011 training class, is just about ready to open in Brookfield, CT and has been working hard in his “pre-opening” marketing efforts to have a full pipeline of projects when the doors open.

Jack Werner, VP of Signworld says, “Michael joined the local BNI chapter, better known as Business Networking International.  Through his enthusiasm in expressing his desire to fabricate compelling signage and to create “Raving Fans”, a philosophy that Signworld teaches in New Owner Training, he gained a number of believers.”  One member of the group decided to introduce him to the CEO of a new fast food chain.


“Michael’s approach with the CEO was not the normal “Can I have your business?”  But rather, “Let me understand better what is currently going on with your current sign provider, and how can I be of service?”, added Jack Warner.


Michael Goldstein is the owner of Unlimited Signs Designs & Graphics in Brookfield, CT . Michael is one of many Signworld Owners to utilize our “Find the problem, find the pain” philosophy taught to both Ken Kindt, founder of Signworld, and Jack Werner, former Signworld owner and current Vice President, in their 6 years of Sandler Sales Training, a world renowned sales training program.


Michael learned the problems the CEO was experiencing dealing with his current supplier of signs and through his efforts, he will open his doors with a customer that has great potential for being a big buyer of signs. Michael said, “My goal is to utilize what I learned in New Owner Training, to learn who the CEO is connected to and to be introduced to those connections so that I can continue to build my business through an extensive referral chain!”


By working this philosophy of doing business, Michael will follow along in the shoes of most Signworld Owners who would tell you that 80% of the business comes from less than 30 repeat customers.


About Signworld

Signworld is a national organization with more than 250 independently owned sign companies, which provide commercial custom signage and graphics. Jack Warner and Ken Kindt lead the Top management at Signworld. It is personable, creative, rewarding and ideal for people-oriented individuals who have the desire to learn how to manage a sales and production business. Signworld affiliates are a cut above traditional sign companies. Ongoing support and training is provided along with state-of-the-art equipment. Signworld business model runs on a no royalty concept.  You can learn more about Signworld at www.signworld.org