firmundo, the German business-for-sale market place, improves market position with two important steps. First, the trade mark rights for the European Union were granted by the Office of Harmonization for the European Union (OHIM) by registering the Community Trade Mark „firmundo“. This allows firmundo to utilize the trade mark commercially in the countries of the European Union in the future.

firmundo, the German business-for-sale market place, improves market position with two important steps. First, the trade mark rights for the European Union were granted by the Office of Harmonization for the European Union (OHIM) by registering the Community Trade Mark „firmundo“. This allows firmundo to utilize the trade mark commercially in the countries of the European Union in the future.

Secondly, the business-for-sale market place acquires the domain name . With this domain, firmundo improves market place entry for its German customers.

Christian Ehl, managing director of firmundo, comments: „We value the European Trade Mark as an important tool to include businesses for sale from outside Germany into our database. Although our main focus will still be the German market in the near future, this will give us a nice perspective for the years to come.” is a business-for-sale market place for privately held companies. firmundo connects companies, entrepreneurs, and business founder to buy in-managers, investors, business angel and venture capitalists for a company sale, a start up financing or a business transaction.

firmundo’s key feature is a database with companies for sale or seeking start up financing, combined with user friendly search technology.

The countrywide marketing improves the chance to find a potential buyer or investor for a business. Additionally, costs and time for the search process are significantly reduced. Database listing is available at low rates in a pure service fee model without any sales commission. See also: or