Atlanta, Georgia, US, December 28, 2011 — In the Business of Ideas appeared a bit too abstract at first glance. That was until further investigation revealed that the company's slogan accurately decribe its service.
IDC or Intellectual Dynamics Corporation proposes a unique business philosophy to its clients. James Orin Ogle its Founder and Principal explains: " A business needs an eye, albeit one with experience, looking in from the outside".
Atlanta, Georgia, US, December 28, 2011 — In the Business of Ideas appeared a bit too abstract at first glance. That was until further investigation revealed that the company's slogan accurately decribe its service.
IDC or Intellectual Dynamics Corporation proposes a unique business philosophy to its clients. James Orin Ogle its Founder and Principal explains: " A business needs an eye, albeit one with experience, looking in from the outside".
How intriguing an idea I thought. Consultants usually offer their clients services that fit snuggly into a familiar professinal category. For example: Accounting, Financial or Legal Consultancies immediately come to mind.
To its credit IDC brings to life consultancy services for the "Information Age". Services that include the development of "Digital Assets" and "Digital Real Estate" for its clients and for its own portfolio.
How interesting, I was weighing the terms Ogle used to describe his company's online creations: <>, <> examples of Digital Real Estate Developments under construction.
In sum: IDC provides valuable ideas for both traditional and digital businesses. The company manages project specific task teams it assembles from its worldwide network of competent professionals.
About Intellectual Dynamics Corporation:
IDC is a business Ideas merchant. We bring a fresh eye and a clear mind to the challenges your business face. IDC will bring together a task team of competence to solve problems that are peculiar to your business.
James Orin Ogle
Intellectual Dynamics Corporation
2002 Summit Boulevard, Suite 300
Atlanta, Georgia 30319
[email protected]